Click here to order your repeat prescriptions through Patient Access
The practice operates a repeat prescription system which enables patients who take medication for chronic stable conditions to collect a prescription from the surgery each month.
Patients must be reviewed after a pre-determined timer interval by the doctor in order to stay on the repeat prescription system. The date of the review will be written on the repeat side of the prescription. The patient will be given one reminder to book a review appointment with a member of the team. If they fail to do so they may find they are unable to obtain their medication until they have seen a member of the team.
In general, we do not approve of occasional prescriptions being given for 'minor complaints' without a consultation. If your complaint has not responded to simple home or over the counter remedies, then you should consult the GP or practice nurse if you think you require medication on prescription.
Click on the link at the top of this page to order your repeat prescription via our online form.